Tony's 1954 BSA M21 - The Big 600 
Step Four: The fun part begins! |
September 2007
At last, the fun part begins. Taking delivery of all the parts and re-assembling the bike.
A friend, Don, has kindly bead blasted the engine cases and polished the timing cover. Doesn't it look great?
The painted parts are back
My friendly painter rang to tell me he had a car load of gloss black two pack bike parts for me - and do they look different! I carefully picked them up and took them home and began the task of rebuilding.
Someone once told me that it was the detail which mattered most in a restoration. Fasteners are easy to overlook. I try, where possible, to use the original fasteners but often they are too damaged and replacements must be found. More often the original fasteners are rusted or have multiple layers of paint. I've begun using a home zinc plating kit with great results. It improves the appearance of old fasteners and fittings and ensures they will last for many years to come.
Zinc plating
Here is a close-up shot of the zinc plating on some bolts and spacers. Not perfect but not bad either. The state of the original parts determines the finished result and these were all very badly rusted.
That's about where I am up to now. I'm waiting for those new engine bearings to reassemble the motor. I'm busily zinc plating to get all the fasteners ready for assembly. Will it be ready by Christmas? I'm not sure but I'll give it a try. |