1948 The Bantam D1 (123cc) released.
1950 The Bantam D1 plunger suspension (option)
1954 The Bantam D3 (148cc) released
1956 The Bantam D3 swingarm suspension released
1957 The Bantam D3 discontinued
1958 The Bantam D5 (173cc) released (one year only)
1959 The Bantam D7 (173cc) released
1963 The Bantam D1 discontinued
1966 The Bantam D10 (173cc)
1968 The Bantam D14 (173cc) released
1969 The Bantam D175 (173cc) released
1971 The last Bantam manufactured
The above concise history has been gleaned from publications and factory catalogues - any further information to correct or refine this history is gratefully accepted.
This site is not intended to be a n historical resource as that subject has been covered at length in a number of books. For a complete listing of known publications relating to the BSA Bantam click on the following link to our Essential Bantam Reading page.