Mick's 1950 D1 Bantam 
From a Harley to ..... a Bantam!

May 25th 2005.
Mick purchased a 1950 basket case D1 rigid Bantam. So far the engine has come apart and he's found the barrel has already been bored out to +60 thou. A donated +40 barrel solves this problem although it has a couple of chipped fins.
The big end has been split and the conrod looks in bad shape. I have a couple of spare assemblies so we'll see what we can scrounge. Maybe a call to T&G needed, |
First job for the night was to undo the fork top nuts. This took some heat from the oxy then they came off easily. Having stripped the frame it was time for Jim to exercise some (very careful) use of the angle grinder to remove various bits of steel welded to the frame over the past 50 years. The frame is now ready for the sandblaster. |