We recommend "Red, White and Blue" two pack tank liner. Dozens of tanks lined and some very bad leaks cured. Great product! www.redwhiteandblue.com.au
the bike that came in from the cold
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Are you interested in CZ 175 Type 477, CZ 125 Type 476 or CZ 175 Trail Type 482? Send us an email.
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We recommend "Red, White and Blue" two pack tank liner. Dozens of tanks lined and some very bad leaks cured. Great product! www.redwhiteandblue.com.au
Zinc plating at home. Great results. As with everything - it's all in the preparation.
Where do we buy parts? In Australia we are limited as many Czech suppliers do not ship outside the EU. However Jawashop, based in the Czech Republic, ship all over the world and have a HUGE range of products and great service. Highly recommended. www.jawashop.com
Are you restoring a CZ Type 476, 477 or 482? Get in touch or join the "Jawachat" group on Yahoo groups.